Thursday, May 30, 2024


I guess the whiskey was sweeter than me

And the high off that ice cold snow was warmer than me too

I guess honesty leaves burn marks on a liar

You thought your secrets you’d take to your grave

But they live inside my brain

You’re a murderer

No, you don’t sit on death row

You didn’t murder much

Just my little ol’ soul

You gutted my heart

Stripped it of its worth

All the while I held close and protected yours 

Tear drops on my saddle horn 

Guess you never did care much 

Didn’t matter to you that I was ever born 

That’d be just fine

If you hadn’t gave me your word

Your world was too full of vices

Anything to numb the pain

If nothing else you gave me what you could of yours

The gaping wound you couldn’t heal yourself

I guess I’ll wear it around for you now 

I turn all the lights off

Just me, the whiskey and words

Some things never change 

And everything will never be the same 

xoxo, Gussie

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