Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mess of Words

I wish I actually wrote as much as I read... on facebook.
I wish I could harness what I was truly thinking into words, but I can't.
They taste a little less harsh, a little more sincere and a lot less painful in ink.
I wish I still felt in touch with something that lives in the air,
the words that I used to pluck out of nowhere.
But I'm not, or won't.
I wish I still sat quiet sometimes to listen to the sound of outside.
Nursing a whisky drink with too much to think.
I wish I'd quit wishing.
So I guess I'll get off my ass,
Tell you this story from the top of a tin roof,
watching the morning frost burn off.
I suppose I'll begin with the half-assed excuse for why I haven't wrote.
I've been busy.

The truth of that is I have in fact been busy.
A pile of things have been whirling through my head.
They've all been trumped by one main goal and passion.
The season came and went, I learned a lot.
In a way I was excited for it to be over, to breathe.
And then likely, to start anticipating what challenges the next horse would bring in a year.
I'm excited.

So I haven't wrote.
But there's been something gnawing at the back of my mind.
Why on earth is it so much easier to watch TV than read a book, or cook a meal, or paint a room.
Imagine how productive we could be if we spent as much time creating as we do mind-numbingly staring at the screen in our hand.
This is long and awkward and feels like I've really lost my touch with words.
I feel like when you go hungry for so long and then the meal doesn't even have a chance to taste for being frantically eaten.
That's what these words feel like, which is ok I guess.

This is where I wrap it up I suppose with something witty.
I don't have much.

Build something with your hands.
Make something you can do something with, make something tangible and satisfying.
Love the life that's right in front of you.

Excuse this mess of words, I'm mostly just letting off some steam.

XoXo, Gussie

Photo Credit; Rocking Horse Photography

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