When horses are shiny and sleek and silver bits are tarnished and rusty.
When wild rags are loosely tied and big concho earrings dangle by our necks.
When tank tops leave flaxen shoulders and rope burned hands to show.
When everything isn't done with frozen fingers and sweat beads roll down our cheeks.
When boots aren't just frozen clods of mud and the trucks don't fight to start.
When bones get broken in the heat and coffee is still a necessity.
Like when bikinis and boots go together.
When white smiles shine beneath straw hats.
I miss the cock-hipped ponies standing at the rail.
When blood becomes the new favorite color and tears and sweat run like creek water.
When bright eyes meet each morning and coffee kisses the ponies good day.
Like in summertime when skin is tan and lips are red.